City Real Estate Property Tax Search
In order to ensure better search results, please enter only one of the following: Owner Names, Property Address or Property ID.
Owner NamesFirst Name Last Name
Property AddressStreet No. Street Name
Do not enter designations such as North, South,Cove, Rd, Blvd, Ave, etc.
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Property ID (Example: 094LH037)
- Taxes are levied for the calendar year and billed October 1. Owner name and address are correct as of January 1 of current tax year.
- The information regarding ownership reported on this website does not reflect changes made during the tax year.
- For questions regarding ownership or deeds, contact the Knox County Register of Deeds at 865-215-2330 or
- The Knox County Property Assessor maintains the tax roll. If you have questions regarding ownership, mailing address or appraised values,

.. contact that office at 865-215-2360 or
of 00 Items
Owner Names Property Address Property ID